Internationale Plattform für inklusive Bühnenkunst

Caline Weber

loves music, plays theater and loves to dance.

Until 2020, she danced hip-hop, jazz and modern dance in a course at the Waldorf School in Ottersberg and, as a little girl, ballet and jazz dance at “impuls e.V.” in Bremen. She was involved in the theater group “Am Mühlenberg e.V.” in Fischerhude for many years.

In has danced and acted at the Junges Schauspielhaus Hamburg in the production “Listen To My Story” by Tom Bünger and

at the Bremer Theater in the production “Milchwald” directed by Armin Petras, which was invited to the Autorentheatertage at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin.

At ProdÁrt she appeared in the plays “5 Minuten Heimat” and “Es ist was es ist”.