Actress, performer and dancer
Doris Geist is a dancer, choreographer and guest interpreter in Bremen.
She first came into contact with new dance / improvisation at tanzwerk bremen in 1999. She continued to train there and at bewegungs-art Freiburg in contemporary dance, contact improvisation and choreography and expanded her movement repertoire. Deaf herself, her idea to create a production about the deaf-blind American author Helen Keller initiated the dance theater piece RAUSCHEN by tanzbar_bremen.
She worked for tanzbar for 3 years in the KompeTanz model project. Doris Geist teaches dance theater, new dance, improvisation and sign language, choreographs her own pieces and teaches sign language in her own school “Gebärdenfreude”.
At ProdÁrt she performed in 2022 and 2023 in the play “5 Minuten Heimat” and in 2022 in the youth theater performance “Es ist was es ist” and can be seen in the production “5 alte Damen trinken Tee”.