comes from New Orleans, USA, and received his training at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts, the School of American Ballet, the New York City Ballet, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Center in New York, the Julliard School of the Arts and the Lincoln Center Campus in New York. He then moved to Europe, where he worked as a soloist with Raffaella Carrà, was a member of Gianine Loringett’s dance company in France and danced with Harris Mandafunis in Greece. His first engagement in Germany was in “Cats” in Hamburg, followed by “The Blue Angel” by Peter Zadek under the artistic direction of Götz Friedrich and Helmut Baumann at the Theater des Westens Berlin. At the Bremen Theater he was seen in, among others, “Cabaret”, “My Fair Lady” and “Endstation Sehnsucht”. Joël Detiège also works as an artistic director, choreographer and dancer. He works in Germany, the USA, Italy and France, among others, and lives in Bremen, where, among other things, he choreographed a dance installation with thirty participants on the elephant in Nelson Mandela Park.
You can find more information about his projects at
He is currently working in the musical “Hello, Dolly!” at the Theater Bremen and was featured in the project “5 Old Ladies Drinking Tea” at ProdÁrt.